About Miss Bates

Miss Bates has been book-blogging since 2013. She reads, writes, takes walks, teaches English for a living and is a full-time care-giver to a diminished mother. Unlike the fictional Miss Bates, she’s neither talkative nor sociable. (She doesn’t accept unsolicited ARCs, so please don’t query her. As a polite Canadian, she’ll be mortified to say “no…thank you.”)


6 thoughts on “About Miss Bates

  1. Your blog is lovely; wonderful concept and I look forward to many more reviews from Miss Bates!


    1. Miss Bates thanks you for your kind and encouraging words! She hopes you enjoy future reviews and looks forward to hearing your thoughts! Spinsters of meagre means have day jobs, so posting is a joy, but must give way to other obligations at times. She hopes to write at least once a week!


  2. I’m struggling to post about once a week, too. The day job does get in the way! I’m back with more encouragement, but you may not thank me for it since it involves a degree of time-consuming bloggery… If you want to play, you’re “nominated” for some big blog love known as the Liebster blog award…. information and other shenanigans here: http://badassromance.com/2013/05/25/a-blog-award-for-badass-romance/
    Congratulations!?! I think?


    1. Wow! I don’t know that Miss Bates would even say “wow.” But wow. Insert pursy lips here: Miss Bates relies on the kindness of deadline tolerance in her day job … and her job beckons with some serious deadlines in the next month and a half, so she has to forego the pleasure of taking on the “chain-letterish shenanigans” for the time being. However, she reserves the right to answer those cool questions … and right now, she HATES Wuthering Heights, that vampiric, ghoulish novel. If there’s moor to be walked, one must walk it only with Jane. Miss Bates will be addressing those lovely questions in an “aside” (yay, Bardish goodness) in a now you see me in a little while fashion … as often as she can. Oops, Evil One Deadline calling …

      Still, feeling a little sheepish to fob you off … puts a whole new meaning to “Shamela” for Miss Bates.


      1. Ha! Just finding a friend in bloglandia who appreciates a good Shamela quip is more than I could have asked for. I am following Miss Bates regardless, and look forward to further opportunities to exchange opinions regarding the vast superiority of the governess book over its ghoulish sister novel.


        1. Miss Bates thanks you with a titter and blush … and did spend a good hour trying to figure out how to add a link to your blog in an aside. Check it out: she’s quite proud of it. Miss Bates being a spinster of an age doesn’t grasp the technological intricacies of the blogging software. She’s pretty good with hardware though.


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